生物标志物(Diagnostic Biomarker)是一种可衡量疾病发生或存在程度的指标,可作为确认生物体是否发生或存在某种特定疾病的依据。生物标志物可以是特定的细胞、分子或基因、基因产物、酶或激素等。生物标志物有助于疾病的早期诊断、疾病预防、药物靶标识别、药物反应等。
[1] Xiao B, Wang L N, Li W, et al. Plasma microRNA panel is a novel biomarker for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and associated with podocyte apoptosis[J]. Cell death & disease, 2018, 9(5): 533. (IF:5.959 锐博产品:miRNA mimic 研究领域:肾小球硬化血浆miRNA生物标志物 第三军医大学)
[2] Lu Z, He Q, Liang J, et al. miR-31-5p Is a Potential Circulating Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Oral Cancer[J]. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2019, 16: 471-480. (IF:5.919 锐博产品:miRNA mimic、antagomir、转染试剂 研究领域:口腔癌 中山大学附属第一医院)
[3] Huang L, Wang Y, Chen J, et al. Long noncoding RNA PCAT1, a novel serum-based biomarker, enhances cell growth by sponging miR-326 in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Cell death & disease, 2019, 10(7): 513. (IF:5.959 锐博产品:mimic、外泌体抽提试剂盒 研究领域:食管鳞状上皮癌 大连医科大学)
[4] Zhao L, Wang W, Xu L, et al. Integrative network biology analysis identifies miR-508-3p as the determinant for the mesenchymal identity and a strong prognostic biomarker of ovarian cancer[J]. Oncogene, 2019, 38(13): 2305. (IF:6.634 锐博服务:mimic & inhibitor、antagomir 研究领域:卵巢癌 四川大学)
[5] Mu N, Gu J, Liu N, et al. PRL-3 is a potential glioblastoma prognostic marker and promotes glioblastoma progression by enhancing MMP7 through the ERK and JNK pathways[J]. Theranostics, 2018, 8(6): 1527. (IF:8.063 锐博产品:EdU 研究领域:胶质母细胞瘤 第四军医大学)
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