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Hotline: 400-686-0075

Why should you need an account

After your account has been approved, you will have a valid VIP account with which you can view and access VIP exclusive prices, online ordering, logistics tracking, discount promotions, exclusive sequence report download, doorstep delivery, priority assessment or technical services along with other benefits. Also, you will be able to view and purchase products, view historical orders and manage your account information at any time.

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Valid certification materials or real-name certifications will help with faster audit. The certifications may include, but are not limited to, any form of historical delivery note or purchase order with your own signature, business license, work permit, student ID, unit certificate or ID card.
Click the button "Sign up", you agree & accept the terms & condition of Ribobio online store: Terms & Conditions Account Approve Period: If you register before 17:30 on weekdays, the review will be completed within 20 minutes; those registered after 17:30 on weekdays will be reviewed before 09:00am on the following day. Registrations on Saturday, Sunday or holidays will be approved before 10:00am on the first day back to work. In the case of emergency or special requirements, please contact our business staff.

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