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Hotline: 400-686-0075

Protein and Polypeptide Transfection

riboFECT™ Protein transfection reagent is a particular total synthesis of liposome, which can form into the positive charge complex that will be easily absorbed by cells via the combination between non-covalent bonding and protein or polypeptide. This reagent is able to effectively transfect with various mammalian cells, such as CHO-K1, COS-7, HUVEC, dendritic cell and dermal fibroblasts. With its 98% highest transfection efficiency, it is the highly-efficient tool for CRISPR-Cas9 protease transfection.


1. PBS Compatible with Protein Transfection Reagent
2. Easy and Convenient Transfection Steps
3. 98% of Highest Transfection Efficiency
4. Low Cytotoxicity


What is the most suitable transfection reagent for you?

RiboBio provides all series of transfection reagents from siRNA/miRNA, mRNA/lncRNA to proteins. Please select the suitable one based on the following table.

siRNA/miRNA Transfection reagent High efficiency of gene suppressionmRNA/long RNA Transfection reagent Suitable for primary cells
riboFECTTM CP Transfection ReagentriboFECTTM mRNA Transfection Reagent
Reagent Specification0.5ml, 1ml0.75uL, 1.5uL
Target MoleculesiRNA, miRNAmRNA, long RNA
Transfection Efficiencybetterbetter
Cell Viabilitybetterbetter
CytotoxicityUltra lowUltra low
Transfectable cell line (partial)HeLa,A549,HEK293T,HCT-116,NIH/3T3,HepG2,HNE1,
human fibroblasts,CHO-K1,B16-F10,HEK293



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Guangzhou RiboBio Co., Ltd.
Address:13-14/F, Innovation Building C3, 182 Kexue Avenue, Science Park, Guangzhou 510663, China
Service hotline:400-686-0075

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