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Hotline: 400-686-0075

Cell growth, proliferation, migration, and apoptosis are extremely complex and dynamic processes. They are regulated by many factors and mechanisms. These processes of detecting cells are very important. Cell structure and function analysis are also the basis of cell biology research, fast and accurate. Efficient cell research tools will accelerate your experimental research.

RiboBio has developed a variety of leading cellular analytical kits,  such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell activity, cell cycle, RNA transcriptional activity, and cellular marker or tracing. We also provides industrial leading high content analysis platform for cell biology, providing a complete solution for your cell function screening, mechanism research and cellular biology discovery.

EdU Proliferation Assay
EdU is a thymidine analog, and its attached alkyne group is rare in natural compounds…
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One-step TUNEL Apoptosis Detection
In order to solve the cumbersome and time-consuming problem of the apoptosis detection step, RiboBio has developed the riboAPO one-step method….
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Staining Reagent
RiboBio provides 3 dyes covering multiple detection channels, making it easy to select and maximize the third…
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MTT Cell Activity Assay
MTT cell activity assays are widely used for the detection of cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. MTT can be induced by mitochondria…
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EU RNA Transcriptional Activity Assay
Transcription is the main way of RNA synthesis in the biological world. It is the genetic information from DNA to RNA….
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Selection Guide for Cell Activity Detection Kit 

RiboBio provides cellular analysis products based on the EdU Cell Proliferation Assay Kit and the MTT Cell Viability Assay Kit. You can select the kit that suits your needs according to the table below.

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Guangzhou RiboBio Co., Ltd.
Address:13-14/F, Innovation Building C3, 182 Kexue Avenue, Science Park, Guangzhou 510663, China
Service hotline:400-686-0075

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