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The Ribo Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Kit is a kit for the Ribo lncRNA FISH Probe Mix.

Product advantages

1. Accurate positioning, a clear view of the inside and outside of the nucleus helps determine the functional mechanism.
2. High sensitivity, 160 times of signal amplification makes it easier to locate the lncRNA with low copy numbers
3. Strong specificity, the clustered FISH probes can ensure a high specificity of FISH signal

FISH Probe Illustration

Technical Support

To observe the test result with laser confocal microscopy, with 18S and U6 being the internal parameters. Red: Cy3-labeled, showing lncRNA FISH Probe labeled lncRNA and internal reference; The blue lable Hoechst: showing the nucleus. It is clearly shows that 18S location on the cytoplasm, and U6 is almost location on the nucleus. lncRNA-1 is mainly location on the cytoplasm, while lncRNA-2 is distributed in the cytoplasm and nucleus.

The localization of lncRNA MIR31HG in hASCs was specifically detected by lncRNA FISH Probe Mix, while comparison of changes before and after stimulation with TNF-α and IL-17. It is clearly showed that all U6 detected by h-u6 FISH Probe Mix were located in the nucleus, while all 18S detected by h-18s FISH Probe Mix were distributed in the cytoplasm. (Jin C, et al. Stem Cells, 2016)

Ordering Information

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C10910 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Kit, 100T$133.28
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Guangzhou RiboBio Co., Ltd.
Address:13-14/F, Innovation Building C3, 182 Kexue Avenue, Science Park, Guangzhou 510663, China
Service hotline:400-686-0075

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