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Hotline: 400-686-0075

micrON™ miRNA mimic are chemically synthesized miRNA mimics, it can simulate the high level expression of mature miRNAs in cells to enhance the regulation of endogenous miRNA for the gain-of-function study. MiRNA mimic is a simple and efficient tool for miRNA research, it can be transfected into cells with transfection reagent without constructing the vector, and the transfection efficiency can be studied through transfection control. RiboBio provides all the miRNA mimics of human, mouse and rat from the latest miRBase database and keeps replenishing the stocks, the miRNA mimic of other species needs to be customized with a minimum order quantity of 10nmol.

Chemically synthesized miRNA mimic easy to control transient transfection into the cell immediately works, convenient, quick. The amount transfered into the cells can be determined by the transfection concentration, and it is suitable for miRNA intracellular overexpression studies. For short-term (less than 1 week) miRNA gain-of-function cell studies, miRNA mimic is an ideal choice.

Product Advantage

1. Convenient and efficient, transient transfection into the cells for immediate effects
2. Easy to operate, packaged transfection reagent can facilitate the transfection into cells
3. Short experimental cycle
4. Wide application

Which RNAi Control is right for you?

Refer to the table below and pick the right RNAi control for your research:

Technical Support

Western blot analysis was conducted 48 hours after transfecting A549 cells with miR-192 mimic( Feng S, et al. Nucleic Acids Res, 2011.)
A. Cell activity assay was conducted 48 hours after transfecting miR-192 mimic into A549, HEK293 and HeLa cells with a final concentration of 50 nM; B. Cell activity assay was conducted 48 hours post transfecting mimics of different concentration (50, 10, 1 nM) into cells; C. EdU assay was performed 48 hours after the transfection of mimic. (Feng S, et al. Nucleic Acids Res, 2011.)

The transfection effect of micrON™ miRNA mimic can be detected through the RNA expression level, protein expression level and cell function of target genes. These experiments provide the biological function data of miRNA, and can be applied for the validation of miRNA target genes, and they usually involve transfection of miRNA mimic or co-transformation with a reporter gene vector.

miRNA mimic can achieve 600 times or more overexpression

Transfect the miRNA expression vector (2ug/mL) or miRNA mimic (50nM) into MEF cells, and the expression of miRNA was detected 48h later. The results showed that the miRNA expression vector could only achieve 10-fold overexpression, while miRNA mimic could achieve 600 times or more. For short-term (less than 1 week) miRNA gain-of-function cell studies, miRNA mimic is recommended.

Ordering Information

miRNA mimics
SKU ProductSpeciesList PriceQuantityActions
miR10000430-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-138-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000437-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-145-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000449-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-146a-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000462-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-206 mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000530-1-5 micrON mmu-miR-21a-5p mimic,5nmolmouse$99.96
miR10000076-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-21-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR1181031074037-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-7-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000082-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-26a-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000255-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-34a-5p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miR10000318-1-5 micrON hsa-miR-200b-3p mimic,5nmolhuman$99.96
miRNA mimics Control
SKU ProductList PriceQuantityActions
miR01103S-1-5 micrON mimic NC #22 (5Cy5 ),5nmol$129.94
miR1N0000001-1-10 micrON mimic NC #22, 10nmol$131.61
miR1N0000002-1-10 micrON mimic NC #24, 10nmol$131.61
miR1N0000001-1-5 micrON mimic NC #22, 5nmol$83.30
miR1N0000002-1-5 micrON mimic NC #24, 5nmol$83.30
miR1N0000003-1-5 micrON mimic NC #19, 5nmol$83.30
miR01102-1-1 micrON mimic NC #22 (5Cy3 ),1nmol$39.98
miR01104-1-1 micrON mimic NC #22 (5FAM ),1nmol$39.98
miR01202-1-1 micrON mimic NC #24 (5Cy3 ),1nmol$39.98
miR01204-1-1 micrON mimic NC #24 (5FAM ),1nmol$39.98
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Guangzhou RiboBio Co., Ltd.
Address:13-14/F, Innovation Building C3, 182 Kexue Avenue, Science Park, Guangzhou 510663, China
Service hotline:400-686-0075

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