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Hotline: 400-686-0075

Instructions on How to Provide Experimental Cell Types

Currently, the reported cell types are more than 1,000, but it is still very difficult to know some culture conditions for most of cell types. Due to the experimental condition limitations, RiboBio can provide 3 kinds of experimental cell lines for various experiments: standard cell lines, normal cell lines and specialized cell types.
1) Standard Cell Lines: Regular materials in lab and ready to carry out experiment at any time.

2) Normal Cell Lines: Normal adherent cells or other cell lines that are excluded from the above list require normal culture conditions.
It does not require very strict requirements for this kind of cell culture. Adopt normal culture medium for normal cultivation with unknown transfection efficiency. If identification for transfection efficiency is needed, then we will charge you a certain fee for stable culture and transfection efficiency test.

Note: If needed, clients need to provide the special culture medium. Otherwise, additional charge shall be further discussed.

3) Specialized Cell Types: Cells are difficult to culture, such as nerve cells, suspension cells, etc.
It requires strict requirements for this kind of cells with low transfection efficiency, which needs undergo the stable culture and optimization of transfection efficiency. It also needs a series of evaluation before carrying out the experiment.


Sample Information Card

Please carefully complete the《 “Sample Information Card” 》 in order to ship the cells.

Note: To ensure the accurate experiment, please kindly confirm if the information on sample information card is consistent with the ones on the contract. Otherwise, please kindly list all information accordingly.

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Guangzhou RiboBio Co., Ltd.
Address:13-14/F, Innovation Building C3, 182 Kexue Avenue, Science Park, Guangzhou 510663, China
Service hotline:400-686-0075

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